May 6, 2020

Summer Tech Learning

This summer’s tech learning services included:

If you participate in any of these activities, we’d appreciate your feedback through this short survey.

Tech Explainer Videos

Placing holds for books to be delivered to your branch

[download mp4]

Borrowing ebooks and audiobooks from the library

(This video shows how to do this from the web site, which works for the Kindle Paperwhite as well as other devices.)

[download mp4]

Accessing more ebooks and audiobooks through partner libraries

[download mp4]

Using Libby to check out ebooks and audiobooks

(This works with devices that can install Android or iOS apps, as well as the desktop.)

[download mp4]

Getting photos from your smartphone to your desktop

[download mp4]

Making a web page

(This video gets you started on the basics of two simple ways to make your own web page.)

[download mp4]

More information here (pdf)

This project is supported by the Arizona State Library, Archives & Public Records, a division of the Secretary of State, with federal funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.